Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Feeling semisonic.

I am brewing up a batch of yarn that has fabulous hidden depths of colour. Every time it moves, you catch another shimmer that you didn't see before. All semi-solids, all kettle-dyed in 3-4 stages, and all based on songs, albums, or bands.

I'm not sure I'll be able to give it up.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


pidgeonroof, originally uploaded by Reesa.

Look, I'm alive, and I'm going to remember that I have a fiber blog!

The yarn I spun this weekend. The stripey colour changes and silver and pink make me happy.

4 oz. BFL, pidgeonroofstudios, in...erm...Lady Heather colourway? Not entirely sure on that, since I bought it on destash from a friend.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Once More Into the Basement...

I can put it off no longer. My gonna-be dye studio has languished long enough, and it's time to admit that until I do some actual WORK down there, it will continue to resemble nothing more than storage for some old photo equipment and the home of the litterboxes.

Wish me luck. I feel faintly disgusting already.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Love is in the...okay, silk, but whatever.

DSCN0101, originally uploaded by Reesa.

I adore this colourway. It makes me think of hippy busses, tie-dyed clothes, and flowers.

I really should remember to dye some for myself one of these days!